Trusted Innovations

01. Products & Services
Products & Services
We pride ourselves in our diverse experience in ICT development and deployment. Our expertise encompasses areas of platform solutions, digital security, remote intelligence, Internet of Things, assets management, healthcare systems, data analytics, IT hardware supply, project management, support and maintenance as well as IT consultancy and training. With our proven track records nationwide, we strive to deliver our innovative ICT solutions to both the public and private sectors.
02. Projects
Innovation Portfolios
Take a look at some of our innovations.
03. Performance
Trusted Performance
Our customers rely on us to provide reliable and high-quality ICT services. In the last few years, we have worked closely with various Malaysian Government agencies, public hospitals and education institutions of higher learning in areas of nation-wide EG (electronic government) application roll-out, supply and implementation of IT systems, hardware, peripherals and network equipment.

04. Track Record
Proven Track Record
Tech Innovasi is well-established as a leading ICT provider in Malaysia and we have the track record to prove it. We have had major portfolios in both the public and private sector in the industry. With over 25 plus years industry experience, we are confident in meeting your challenging business needs and expectations.
Years Industry Experience
Projects Completed